Rec Soccer
Our 2024 Rec Soccer session ended for the year in October. Information for 2025 will be released after the first of the year. Below are some FAQs about our Rec Soccer program!
Common Q&A
1) Is registration closed? Can my friend sign up late?
a. Registration is closed, and we are not accepting late registrations.
2) Can I send a friend request for my player?
a. No, we do not accept friend requests.
3) When will I hear from my coach?
a. You will hear from your coach sometime in the third or fourth week of August.
b. If you have not heard from your coach by August 26th, please email lcysaboard@gmail.com but not before.
c. All rosters will be distributed at the same time, but not all coaches will start practices right away.
4) When do games start?
a. If we have enough coaches to start on time, games will be played as follows:
i. Every Saturday from September 7th through October 19th.
ii. Schedules should be available by the end of August and will be provided to the coaches.
5) Why are my player’s friends on a different playing level?
a. We are using age groups rather than grades to balance skill levels. This is the standard practice in soccer and is in line with OYSA age regulations. We won't be moving players up or down based on their grade level.
6) Can I change teams if I don’t like the practice location or times?
a. We do not accept team changes due to dissatisfaction with practice times or locations. With 70 soccer teams, local football, and other local sports, practice locations are scarce. We would like your team to practice as close to where you live as possible, but sometimes it's not feasable. You may need to travel to different locations, such as from Seaside or Astoria to the Warrenton Complex.
7) Can I assist as a coach if my coach can’t make a practice or game?
a. All volunteers must undergo background checks and complete Safesport training. If these requirements are not met, you are not allowed on the field with the players.
b. If you would like to help, you must register and be cleared by OYSA.
c. If you are on the field without proper clearance, you will be asked to leave and move to the sidelines.
8) What equipment does my player need to play?
a. Cleats, Shin Guards, and soccer socks
b. Reversable blue / red jerseys will be available to purchase at the snack shack for $15
c. Balls and cones are provided to the coaches for practices. You do not have to provide your own ball.
9) Can I bring my dog to the games?
a. No. Dogs are not allowed on any grass area at the Warrenton Soccer Complex. Working service animals are allowed as described by Oregon law. Please be ready to answer questions regarding the service your animal provides to you if it is not readily apparent.
10) How can I volunteer to help?
a. We are always looking for volunteers to assist with field setup, pickup, trash collection, and trash removal. Please email the club board email or contact a board member if you are interested in helping.
11) Can I park along Ridge Rd if parking is full?
a. Parking on Ridge Rd is illegal, and Warrenton PD will issue tickets.
b. Do not park in a way that blocks the visibility of other cars.
c. The safety of our players is a top priority, so please park only in designated areas.
Recreational soccer offers youth a fun learning environment to experience the game of soccer. Rec players can start in Kindergarten and play through their 8th grade year.
Jerseys are available, at the fields, for $15 and may be purchased on Saturday Game days at the Concession stand.
All games are played locally, at the Warrenton Soccer Complex.
The first game is the weekend following Labor Day and end the fourth weekend of October.
Over 600 North Coast Youth participate in the Rec soccer program every fall. We rely on volunteer coaches to keep the program thriving. Sign-up to coach when you register your child, you will have as much fun as they do!